Me, the missus, the visiting SIL and Denis' ladyfriend Kim went to see SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and eat some Mexican food at Viva.
On the one hand, Slumdog Millionaire is an uplifting tale of a poor kid winning a million. On the other hand it is full of the worst brutality and evil you have seen in a movie.
I loved it. Not for everyone, ten out of ten thumbs up, and 15 thumbs up for the rather excellent Mexican dinner, and as usual, Kim is a hoot.
I saw it a few weeks ago. I liked it a lot... but it really was brutal. I give it a 10 too. :)
Thanks for the review. I'm planning on seeing it. I don't know if Sarah will be up for it or not. We just got in from eating Mexican food. Yummy.
Am I out of the loop? I haven't heard of this movie....
Though, Mexican food sounds YUMMM! We are having stew tonight, though. Still, YUM!
Did you have a margarita? Wait, a Coffee-rita? LOL!
Happy Sunday!
Yeah---good to hear you enjoyed it---sounds intruiqing!
when you learn that the dude who made Trainspotting did this, it is easy to understand this movie!
Uplifting is good, but I don't do brutality. The nightmares would haunt me forever.
Did someone say Mexican food?!?
And why didn't you invite Denis to come along?
Denis lives about 8-10 hours drive away!
yeah, but an invitation would have been nice! (sobbing)
thanks kcinnova was noticing i'm alive! are you single?
The movie had a definite Dickens theme. I thought it portrayed very well India's rapid rise from third world to modern industrial country. The contrast between the high-tech city center and the slums was craziness. But I have to say that Danny Boyle has a strange obsession with public toilets. (Remember the famous scene in Trainspotting.)
Thanks Gary and Maude for the vino and the fun.
kim, you should think about becoming a movie critic. seriously.
We saw this on christmas day. Loved it.
The cinematography was incredible. The colors! those scenes with the dye-works!
I loved the Bollywood number at the credits, although if a viewer isn't familiar with the concept, it would feel a little odd and out of place.
And we've been eating Indian food these last couple days.
You made my day, Denis!
hey, Gary, you forgot to tell Denis I am an old married lady with 4 sons and a sexy husband.
I need more coffee.
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