(mug by Gary Rith and mermaid by God and Hollywood)
When I was in 8th grade at the end of year BBQ my two favorite teachers were chatting with me about my career plans.
"I want to be an artist!" sez I.
Mr Bull turns to Mister Groves and hoots with laughter: "That's just because he wants to draw nak*d ladies all day long!!!!"
Soooo, I was thinking of making some mermaids on things. I have done so before, with cute little shells on their b**b!es. I was making this one and I kinda went commando with it. Then I was going to put shells on there, but put on little pointy n!pples instead. Then I asked myself where to put her and tried here and there and settled on rising from the foam of future cappucinos.
Although I imagine her placement means that her b**b!es might poke out the drinker's eye.
Mr Bull, this Bud's for you.
I'm sure that Mr. Bull appreciates your keeping him... abreast of your career. ;)
maybe mermaids give you a chance to make little nekkid characters...
LOL, Hilary cracks me up!
Gary, you should check in with Fortune Cookies about mermaids. She draws a lot of them.
Boobies! I love it!! Seriously, they're going to poke the drinker's eye out... but I'm sure he won't mind... :)
I MUST have a nekked mermaid cappuccino cup! I MUST I MUST! :)
Wow...your post brings back memories of Drawing 101 at college. Model man posing in very skimpy underwear that gapped horribly in the front....
So cute.
Do one with Hugh Jackman on the mug and I'll buy it!
I love the mermaids, but I would be more tempted if it was a naked Johnny Depp or a naked Keanu Reeves or a naked David Duchovney.
Just sayin'.
She's adorably beautiful and HAWT too, though...her nose? Is a little pointy in itself? [don't shoot me or kick me off the blog, please?]
Great idea, though! Can't wait to see some glaze! Oooh, and a low dish soup bowl? with her half bathed in warm noodley soup? How cute!
You artistic GuRu you!
Hugh Jackman! Who wants to see a naked guy on a piece?????
We'd all eat our spinach if there was a gorgeous photograph of someone HAWT at the bottom of the bowl.
Just sayin'.
her nose is perfect. Its the first thing I noticed! (ok, that's a bit of a stretch)
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