My wife calls from her Cornell office yesterday to say that the Cornell employee newspaper Pawprint is featuring me in the announcement of the HUGE sale I am helping with at Cornell's Pot Shop next week.
I was flicking through Ithaca Times last week and was surprised to be featured there too. Makes me feel a little Forrest Gumpish.....
YAY! Publicity! ;-)
You are becoming a celebrity!
I see your header is going retro this morning. ;)
I LOVE Forrest!! You could do worse ya know ;)
Run, Forrest! Run!
Woohoo! Aren't you just the celebrity??? You SHOULD be! Your work is incredible.
Oh, and I finally posted some art, Gary - shocked?
I feel warm and fuzzy .. I am blog buddies with a celebrity.
Happy TGIF!!
Featured in two places, yippee and congrats to you - good luck with the sale next week.
How cool is that??!! :D
Yay! Magnifique!
Just you wait until I start blabbing about my famous potter friend Gary Rith! You'll be so inundated with orders you'll have to hire help.
(Just don't hold your breath too long waiting, but I AM trying, mainly because I do love your work AND you! And, tell Maude she needn't be jealous, except maybe of Penny!)
that's brilliant news Gary! hope it brings in some bizerness :)
Nice. Congrats! I thought about your pottery when I posted today about the CalState Long Beach Art Department holiday sale - I've got some lovely student pieces from there, several years running.
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