(A-Rod and his wife a couple of years ago)
You won't hear me moralizing much, and I am no fan of Madonna, and none of this is my business, but I am a Yankees fan and was an A-Rod fan and this is DESPICABLE!
Madonna and A-Rod are house hunting. How does the story go? A-Rod's beautiful and wonderful wife has another baby last spring and A-Rod starts messing around with Madonna????
Makes me throw up a little.
I wouldn't blame A-Rod's wife if she wanted to show him another use for a wood chipper.....

Now Gary, we don't know the whole story. Man he is HOT though! It is however disturbing when there are small children involved- I do agree with that. As far as the house hunting, I think that might be a just bit of a rumor- I think they are both smarter than that! Who knows I may be eating my words on that one.
I don't blame you for thinking that way.
Better take care of your wife - she is much prettier than Madonna.
(I made that pic really small so you wouldn't have to look if you didn't want to! But I knew you'd like his favorite poem.)
It is all sordid, but not unusual in human history. The worst of it is the whole wife-is-having-a-baby-and-so-I-play-hide-the-pickle-with-Madonna thing.
Can you say Willie-in-a-wood-chipper?
Maybe he'll fall down a flight of stairs as he's house-hunting. (Running around on a pregnant woman is one of the very few triggers that makes me think bad thoughts...)
Uh oh...the wood chipper?? lol!
Wood chipper? Very Fargo-esque of you, Gary:)
I was going to say the same thing about Fargo!! It's one of my favorite movies and I immediately thought of it when you said "wood-chipper".
I'm sorry... Madonna is UGLY and GROSS and ICKY. A-Rod is just a complete moron. I don't get it at all.
I would imagine Madonna might have GERMS too.
Gary, a man with morals. That I like.
As an aside, please go over to misssnarksfirstvictim.blogspot.com and comment on #59.
Snigger . . . .
You got me with that last line Gary. ;-)
Madonna is just ew. What a moron he is.
I'll have a look Barbara.
And Nancy says HE is hot, man, look at his WIFE.
I don't even know what to say to that. Ewwwwww.
As long as he does his J-O-B. His personal life, is his personal life. There are plenty of private people pulling this crap in their lives, and no one gives a hoot. It is a shame those in the public eye take a beating.
That said .. I don't see it. But wa-ev!
I hope the soon-to-be-ex Mrs. A-Rod winds up with someone much better.
OK, I had not heard about ANY of that. You are WAY more up on celebrity gossip than I am...
I think A-Rod is another hanky that Madonna will use and throw away. She is still damaged from her divorce and needs to be validated as more than "Sweet and Sticky". Any celebrity with brains wouldn't get within a city block of her now, or some gossip rag and paparazzi will be linking them and hounding their butt. But, then, that's A-rod, right? Celebrity is the silver lining attached to a storm cloud. Glad to remain the blissful, anonymous, little guy working in the basement at the wheel.
Damn, I thought A-Rod was so hot back when he played for Seattle.
I am crushed. Madonna? What shitty taste he has in women!
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