(dragon cups by Gary Rith)
You KNOW Puff the Magic Dragon was my favorite song when I was 3. Then I discovered Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin.
The NY Times did an article this week saying that it seems like all these boomer heros are dying. Of course, some are older, like Walter Cronkite, but Mary Travers wasn't that old...
Song seems irritating now.
I also liked cherry kool aid when I was a kid......
I love Puff the Magic Dragon... the movie was a little weird now... now that I'm an adult, that is. :)
i LOVED puff.
Best folk voices ever. So long, Mary.
I do love that song still. I got a kick out of the intro because I remember my grade 7 teacher trying to tell us that it wasn't as innocent as it sounded and that it had all these hidden meanings. You can read that into anything, I suppose. Cute dragon cups. :)
Oh,I love that song :)
my dad had that album with puff the magic dragon and i used to get all teary eyed toward the end of the song but then i discovered led zeppelin and said goodbye to tom dooley
Happy memories of Puff. And if you want to read 'stuff' into things it's usually pretty easy. Me, I'll take mine straight, thanks, no add ons, no chasers.
You don't like Cherry Kool-Aid anymore?
What's not to love!?
Ohhh...if you can do dragons you can do giraffes!!!
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