"I don't know what you're doing all night"
me "????"
"every morning the sheets and blankets are all on MY SIDE of the bed"
me "?????"
"maybe you like sleeping bare azzed, is that it????"
me "?????"
"because I wonder how all the blankets and sheets end up on my side. I wouldn't steal them, would I?"
me "??????"
"Gosh, maybe I DO steal them, and you and your bare azz are over there freezing!!!"
me "!!!!"
(mind blowingly beautiful teaset by Gary Rith)
Are we dealing with a reliable narrator here?
It's probably due to the dream you had about shaving yourself.
That's nuts, because almost the same thing happens at my house. I wake up at 4:45am (ON MY BIRTHDAY) and Hubby and DOG have taken over the bed... I am clinging to the last 1/2 foot of the bed and they are comfortably stretched out, swaddled in blankets. Is Penny taking over your bed???
Oh yes, Penny and the missus are pretty darn comfortable, BELIEVE me....
The Blanket Battles are never ending!
Must be getting a bit COOLER in your neck of the woods. Still just sheet weather here in Colorado, cool nights, hot days. love the ZEBRA by the way!
Such a familiar subject! hehe.... love the Zebra teapot and the teapot set!
No wonder you spend your days hunched over a kiln. ;)
I'm a little tea pot black with spots, if you don't want to buy me your are nuts.
Wait, does spots even rhyme with nuts?
That is one HOT tea set.
No comment about your asses.
Uh Oh, I'm the one that pushes the sheet and blanket to DH's side. I'm always the hot one! (no pun intended. LOL) :~>
That is one Gorgeous Tea Set! You always out do yourself!!
Uh Oh, I'm the one that pushes the sheet and blanket to DH's side. I'm always the hot one! (no pun intended. LOL) :~>
That is one Gorgeous Tea Set! You always out do yourself!!
We solved this problem, years ago. Just use two comforters (or blankets or whatever) and meet in the middle when desired.
Stacey - it rhymed until you brought it to attention. Just put an English accent on it and sounds terrific! lol
Totally love the little teapot atop the teapot...
maybe the cups could have little cups? :-D
Happy Thursday!
lol - you have connected the teapot to the story so well!
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