(the hawt missus, c'est moi, a boatload of horses at the Cornell stables, and Spike)
The 2nd Tuesday of the month bagels at my 2nd favorite bakery are on sale, and their coffee is superb, so I figure with the sale the missus gets a free capuccino, and although I have made bagels, it is really one of those things better purchased. I am NOT THAT good a baker.
The best thing about this bakery, other than local and full of good treats for vegetarians, and other than the fact that our buddy Eva would usually join us except first day of school for the kids, is that Cornell has some of its horses stabled across the way. You sit there and watch hundreds of horses playing around. Some of them are the polo ponies....you heard me right: Cornell has a polo team and a huge indoor (our weather is pretty wet and ugly for about 9-10 months a year) polo field and its all across from this joint.
ANYWAY, I got home and, keep in mind the folks next door run a newspaper:
It was a little sad. An old rattle trap car pulled in and a new guy got out next door. His first day as a delivery guy. Then I saw he had a nice young wife and baby. They looked like a really nice and earnest family, but the whole time they were next door the baby was crying and
a) on the one hand you could say isn't it nice a delivery job means they can spend the day together?
b) on the other hand, they kinda reminded me of Grapes of Wrath :(
Hard working people having a tough time of it. And I don't know if delivery jobs is the way to keep an old car healthy.
Sorry, it makes me kinda sad, and super aware, as I put away our NICE and organic groceries after fahting around at the bakery, and begin to finish vases with frogs etc, that I am SO LUCKY.
It sounds lovely at the bagel shop, the horses and just being able to sit outside and enjoy the view. No work for the Missus today? Or was it lunch break?
We did the big errand run today, so no sitting around sipping coffee and relaxing - then Jimbo had to leave for work. sigh.
Yes, you are lucky. We all are, I think. There is always someone worse off than ourselves. And at least that guy was working. Good for him. And I am drooling thinking of the organic goodies...
What a wonderful bagel shop to spend some time on the porch watching horses. Sounds peaceful and beautiful (except for the baby crying).
Yes, we have it better than some. I hope that family has a better life down the road, and soon. You are such a kind and thoughtful person.
Just beautiful, Gary!
Yup. Most of us are lucky beyond belief right now. Bet those polo ponies are eating good too.
Oh man! I'd love a bagel shop. We have a grocery store that sells bagged bagels... Hmm, just not the same aura.
I've had moments like you did with the delivery guy. I kinda feel that way about older people that are still working hard. Younger folks that work that hard have it rough, but they have a lot of time... but if you're still working hard when your 65+, it makes me even more sad. :(
Yes we all have things to be thankful for, it looks like you live in a gorgeous place.
Good post.
You're a pretty lucky duck.
The awesome thing is you realize it and enjoy it.
Much to be thankful for, indeed!
This is a really good post, Gary. A thoughtful way to end my day.
What a great post. It really makes you think. Sad. Poverty is so sad.
Two things
1) I’d like your permission to (re)print your article on Flight of the conchords for our website
2) I was hoping we could use your ‘scribing’ talent for our website.
The Best Shows Youre Not Watching (dot) com [all one word]
Flight of the conchords is one of our featured shows. We’re hoping to round up a few people who can occasionally contribute perspective (via an article/blog) on the shows – maybe a recent episode, future direction, plot shortcomings etc.
What’s in it for you?
Primarily a larger audience back channeled to your blog. We don’t pay but the site has a lot of promise and we're pretty excited about getting it off the ground. Let me know what you think.
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