(mugs for Jen Mecca by Gary Rith)
....party animal!
Trying to protect the innocent here, but my mother-in-law is a blast. She arrives from Kansas City today. She, um, has a boyfriend substantially younger than herself. They have been together a while, and travel the world together. And today, they come here. I am not one of those dudes who hates his mother-in-law, I one of those dudes who goes out to scruffy bars with his mother-in-law and has fun.
When she was here at Cornell as a student in the late 1940s she went to Joe's (which is STILL HERE) and racked up the rather substantial bill of 300 dollars. Returning home at Christmas and telling her dad she needed to pay the bar tab at Joe's (I mean, was the place mobbed up? Do you really ever let a tab like that go for long??????) her father looked at her coldly and told her she best find a job.
So, you know, tonight we go to Joe's.....etc.
Dig the Beastie Boys live. I think I need a Beastie's tee for back to school....
Your MIL sounds great. I hope you have a blast and don't rack up a huge bill.
I love my MIL Too. (both of them)
That is so cool, it is great when you get on with your in-laws, most of mine are pretty cool too.
Have lots of fun together, enjoy your day :o)
So..... when you went to Joe's, did they look at your MIL and say "Hey, you owe us some money from the 40's. Pay up, lady!" :)
At first glance, it appears that Jen Mecca is your mother-in-law. Speed-reader that I am, I quickly got that such is not the case. It did seem rather amazing. Ha!... Have fun at Joes!
I have a wonderful MIL (and FIL, too). My husband? Not as quite as lucky. (Not terrible, just not as lucky)
Look at you! Fun MIL and everything :)
She sounds like a gem! Enjoy her visit Gary!
That's great! She sounds like my kind of lady. Saucy booze hound.
So, she never paid the bill? I hope you have FUN! : )
This is awesome! I love this! My MIL and FIL are fabo too!
INTERESTING mom-in-law you have. Good you're there in the bar, maybe you'll have to rescue her LOL
I've been married 3 times. Only had one living MIL. She was a b****! I'm so happy you have a fantastic MIL! Give her a beer (or whatever she likes) and tell her this one's from Kate! ;)
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