Last night everybody came over again for the beers. It did not rain. You can see my fab piggy sculpture that Kate and Jim sent me, because in life, you can never have enough cute pigs!
Yesterday I made a movie. You ought to watch it. (see below!) I was gonna make banana bread and I use the blender to pulp the bananas. There is a reason these things come with a lid, because banana goo at the end of this video goes flying all over me and the camera :)
ROTFL, Gary! Don't you know that you can just mash those bananas up with a fork? LOL, thanks for the laugh for a few boys and me on this first day of school! :)
Hello little piggies! I see Gary is taking very good care of you.
Gary - that was great the way you turned the camera back on yourself. You can't make these things up, eh?
I wasn't even thinking, just surprised and jumping back, and when I saw the video later I realized it had accidentally turned out so funny!
it was funny... no matter how old you get the temptation is always there to not use the blender lid... i've even done it with glaze testing and gotten an eyeful of green glaze.
The piggies ARE cute.
After seeing the banana movie, I will skip my daily banana today.
LOL! At least you didn't stick your finger in there while the blades were turning. ;-)
Who needs a lid when you have a perfectly good forehead?
That was a Goooo video.
Glad I can waste everybody's time :) food!
The creative director and I just got a good laugh out of that.
Sooo funny!
: ) Only you.
I love anything with banannas in it. I would like some bannana cake right now. At 2:00 am!
Unless you mash them you end up with -- as you know now -- banana goo that's ready for babies. LOL!
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