Good lord what a gorgeous day, and perfect for cafe society. Warm now, 70ish, but Wicked cold expected overnight, including our first frost. Temps in the 30s......
SO, the lady sez first thing this am:
"are you gonna take pictures of me today???"
me "????" thinking I dunno
she "are you gonna blog pictures of me today?????"
and I am like "????"
she "because if you ARE then I need to dress for it"
and I am like "?????" thinking dress for what? My stupid blog????????????????
Mrs P knows, one should always be prepared for paparazzi.
Celeste is absolutely correct. For a moment there, I thought you wore your moustache.
Hummm do you ever where your Moustache in PUBLIC? hummmmm now that might bring on a LAUGH GRIN! Ps great photos!
I don't give Brian any warning, but he does get a little cranky when I put up photos without asking.. maybe it's because he's not prepared for the public eye. ;)
Ah yes...first frost in September. Those where the days. Time to invest in a snowsuit and how I use to love sounding like a paper-bag when I walked around.
Okay, I know I haven't checked in for a while....imagine my shock to think you actually had grown facial hair during my very neglectful absence!
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