(Ponygirl, Nance, Carol and Leslie and My Missus, Leslie, Tommy, Carol and Me)
OK, the little mystery toy Portland Ponygirl rec'd directions from the shadowy controller and was shipped off....to the Lone Star State, actually...and then Nance sends an email and is like "gonna dropp off pieces downtown for the show? Let's have coffee!" so me and Nance get the Starschmucks and gossip for awhile about YOU and then I head up the hill to make some pots at Cornell and some of my pots have come out of a glaze kiln up there and 2 of my students are messing around, Carol and Leslie, who tell me that they are POTTERYSLUTS and me and the POTTERYSLUTS slide down the hill to the Chapter House to meet my missus and Tommy, whom the POTTERYSLUTS have named the POTTERYPIMP, and well, you can guess the rest....
Thanks for the Java- although that photo of me looks like I didn't need another cup!
So many sluts and pimps. Nice.
if carol and leslie call themselves POTTERYSLUTS and they call tommy the POTTERYPIMP, i wonder what they call you behind your back?
Thanks for the postcard! I'm glad you had fun with PPG! She's awesome. :)
I wanna know what you were saying about me...
Well, wait... maybe I don't...
You made some dough?
Is Pony Girl coming to see ME???? :-D
you lead such an eventful POTTERYDUDE life... starschmucks and the chapter house on the same day. the beer looks yummy
You know??... Dennis has a valid question there.
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