Last night I pull out the vegan (made of mushroom and soy) "meatballs" and the vegan (made of mushoom and soy) raviolis and boil a few noodles and toss in some (made of soy) sausage and tomato sauce and it is a superb dinner with a little leftover. Who doesn't love ravioli and meatballs??????
We love burritos too and so I got out the (made with rice) "cheese" and tortillas and rolled up the leftovers and warmed them up and doused it all in hawt sauce and the missus is like "this is really good--lemme take you out for a beer!!!"
Oh boy you're making me hungry! Good thing we're going out for pizza...and beer!!!! M
You are aabout to leave yourself wide open to a suit accusing you of cruel and unusual temptations with all those ymmy sounding feasts you've been preparing lately! Seriously, it truly DOES all sound so extremely yummm!
Mm... I like tofu. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do like tofu now and then. :)
Looks good and beautifully displayed, but soy, no thanks, I'll stick with beans and rice burritos.
Thank heavens I have finished all the darn "fasting" tests before coming over and checking your post. Yesterday after two days of not eating I would have just been dieing to see those huge burritos. The first thing I did yesterday evening after taking back the receiver from the video endoscopy was to stop at the Mexican market and their little taco shop inside and chow down on tamales and tacos!
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