We liberated these from someone's yard on our Ontario trip Saturday. Maurice tells us that the heinous crime of flamingo theft is a problem in Canada.
I swear we didn't didn't steal them, honest! There was a sign that said 'free'! Although when you think about it, what a prank on your neighbors: sneak over and draw 'free' on a piece of cardboard and set it in front of their flamingos. Wonder if that's what happened?
Oh well, they're mine now!
maybe the house was free and you really did steal the flamingoes
They should accent the purple house perfectly!
An interesting tidbit: I have a good friend who uses this type of flamingo yard ornament as a fundraising tool for Relay for Life. When someone donates $50 to her team, she "flamingoes" them and posts the birds in their lawn. People up and down the block vie to be "flamingoed."
So funny : )
In 1979, some students placed hundreds of pink flamingos on a lawn at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Quite something to see! Follow this link to see a picture of it:
I'm very jealous!!!! All I have is tiny pink flamingos that sit on my desk. My children bought them for me. They came with a fence to keep them on the grass.
Ha! I'm relieved to know the sign said "free" but can you really call it liberating if you keep them captive in YOUR yard? Just wondering...
And now I'm VERY curious about tomorrow's post!
My daughter had a similar flamingo which came to them via heaven only knows what means, but they had sooo much fun sneaking into their friends yards and carefully placing the visitorsin the friend's care. Unfortunately, it always was recognized as a 'lost' birdy and returned to their yard. Such NICE friends, no?
when we lived in calabash nc, a local church as a a fund raiser would flock someone's yard(for a $50.00 donation) with 50 of these damn birds. They would remain in ones front yard until they paid the $50.00 to get them removed. a great fund raiser,$50.00 to place and them
and $50.00 to remove them.
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