(teapot by Gary Rith--I just tried this glaze combo out at Cornell studios, and yeow! kinda cool)
So, wide awake at 4:51 on a Sunday, dark as can be, warm and humid outside, fed the dogs who went back to bed.
We went to the Apple Festival yesterday and saw Denis' ladyfriend Kim and had a rollicking good time, except where was the camera? I had been placed next to the fudge people when I did a festival last year myself (selling through a booth) and they were there and they are my pals too, and they gave us free fudge when we said hello, how nice is that? We went to the
hippie bakery up by the Cornell campus, a place I absolutely LOVE, and were sitting there forever eating and gossiping about, among other things, Denis, and this large group of what we used to call YUPPIES came in. So, the place went from being empty except for us went to standing room only. They were all 40ish, the guys had been in a frat together, and they had left the homecoming football game because of rain.
Now, we were on the bakery side, which has the counter and coffee and bakery case and a few tables and chairs. There is one server there at the counter, and we had bought our stuff and dumped money into the tip jar and we had enjoyed ourselves, but these yupiies, they had no manners. I think they had drunk TOO many and were just sitting out the rain, but they had the counter girl running all over getting drinks and orders, and she isn't a waitress, and they never gave a tip, plus they were yelling and all the rest, really boorish.
I guess it has been a long time since these bond traders and insurance salemen ever had a job cutting grass, washing dishes or working a bakery counter, but how do some people (read: yuppies in their 40s who think they're big shots 'cause they went to Cornell) grow up thinking its OK to act like a drunken lout and make some poor minimum wage slob run around like a slave, and don't even put a nickel in the tip jar? Is there a special hell for people who are that insensitive?