(cups by Gary Rith)
Odd dreams of apple trees and trying to sell a house and Gordo and Greg passed through--just a whole melange.
Our big old dog Buster has great trouble sometimes with steps and I went out now to help him up the 5 steps to get back in....it is soooo cold out there. Like below zero. But the sun is rising! The horror that is January will expire in only more week....
-2 degrees here, Gary. January may be almost over, but now we deal with February and March - although, sometimes, March ain't so bad. Just windy.
It's only -10C (14F) up here. Weather patterns are pretty strange, sometimes.
I dream about other bloggers all the time. I was swimming with otters with Mo on Friday night, and last night I dreamed about YOU. We were trying to get to Nicaragua - don't ask me why.
it's so sad about buster.
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