(ME, five minutes ago with Spike, and Spike washing what has to be washed, 2 minutes ago)
Spike got in my lap at breakfast time and slept there for 30-40 minutes. SOMEBODY very helpfully snapped this shot of the 2 of us, 'cause the camera was on the table. Women around the world will be saddened to see I am not always Mr Glamorous.....
you're a stud anytime!! Woo-hoo...congrats to Le Lollypop for capturing the 'real' you...:)
Yes, I think our wives call that payback. We always think they look glamorous when we snap a photo, but they seldom agree. I can't think of a single person I know who photographs well before their first cup of coffee.
Revenge is sweet, sayz Mrs. Tastycakes!!!
That picture cracked me up, Gary.
Captures the REAL me!
All disheveled. Maybe Spike could take a licking to that hair of yours? Ha Ha!
I love the pic of you and your, sweet Missus to the right here. With her in the cute hat and you in the cap!
Next stop: GQ, potter-man!
I guess being Mr Cute and Rumpled means that Missus Rith doesn't suffer too much over the sight that greets her at breakfast.
Bedroom hair...becomes you!
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