(piggy by Gary Rith)
Dan and Kai have this thing going on this year with their daily pocket change. They have an enormous water bottle and are trying to fill it in 2009. We saved change for a couple of years around 2002-03 and got about 350, not bad for people who never go anywhere or do anything. Kai and Dan wonder if they will fill the huge bottle, and if it will amount to 1500-2000 in one year.
Typically, change goes in and out of my piggy, and if it seems overly full I empty it and deposit the about 20-30 bucks that is in the pig. My plan this year is to empty the pig from time to time into my medium sized water bottle, and maybe there will be a couple hundred bucks for Christmas 2009?????????
I have a pair of 15-year-old glass peanut butter jars that we use for change. Normally, I just dump my pennies into one and nickels/dimes into the other, but B wants to do that with quarters and up as well. We'll see.
I have the same thing: a large bottle (small wine carboy) for change, which I hope to use to make a payment on the principal of my house mortgage once a year.
Aloha Gary,
Fun!! Love the piggy! We started doing this save thing to try and encourage everyone to save a little and see that it really can add up to a lot.
Your guess is noted! and thankie mucho for this shout out on your blog. You're very kind..
oh, and do you *pot* mermaids?
PEace, Kai n Dan
I took a wooden drawer divider (almost like a wooden kitchen cutlery divider) and there are 5 slots. So we put quarters, dimes, nickels, penny's and then dollar bills. Keeps them nicely separated and cuts down on sorting time.
We get about 75-100 bucks every 3 months or so, in coins. Then we have another 100 or so in dollar bills! You'd be surprised how little you miss those dollars during the week.
I keep a quart sized zip lock bag in my closet. All change I come home with goes in there. I also get to skim DH's change but he says to leave him the quarters (so, I only take one or two) ;-D
When I do turn in a full quart sized bag at the bank, I typically get close to $50.00. I used to split it between the kids savings accounts.
But, lately, I find it going in my "mad money" pocket -- that typically, is applied to something for the children anyhow. ;-)
It really does add up!
Can't wait to see how that silly face looks once fired!
Dan and kai, I do some things with mermaids, yes indeedy....
We received a little pottery crock as a gift, we fill that up. Recently cleaned our 20 year old son's room after his 2 week holiday stay with us - tons of coins. I guess he empties his pockets each evening. We took the contents of our little crock and his coins to one of those machines in the supermarket, and ended up with an $85 voucher.
Hi, Gary - I am adding you to my blogroll.
Lovee is a coin saver...me, not so much. Well, I do take the coins I 'find' in the washer....I should put a piggy on the dryer for that very thing! Hummmmmmmmmm.......
I should totally do that!
I love your pig. He is way too cute.
I recently was given one of those change jars that adds the total as you go along.
Not sure what we will do with the change once full. Probably will go to something baseball related. :)
Good idea!! :) I hope you have lots of extra cash at the end of the year!
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