click here to watch a video with a look at the studio and I tell why I do what I do
lovey dovey all the time
The mister with his petite tastycake Missus Rith. Gary Rith is a part-time pottery instructor at Cornell University's Pot Shop and a full-time studio potter in Ithaca, NY.
making a wavy groovy twisty bowl
(click to watch video of me making a bowl)
wanna see me....
...throw a pot? click here!
My Original Pottersblog
8/06-9/08: over 2 years and 3,333 posts!
gary's work at Bennington College, 1987
Gary Rith on the Ithaca Art Trail
Click here to visit my home and studio and learn all about me!
Now that elephant bowl is A-FREAKIN-DORABLE. I used to have a ceremic circus-themed cereal bowl as a kid that was that exact color. :)
You can almost hear those elephants I tell you (or maybe I've just had too long a day). Freakin-dorable indeedy!
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