Saturday we were walking our dogs, as I said, and I saw 3 dudes in camo in my neighbor's yard, close to their house and the kids' swingset, and as we went to tell our neighbors, they shot in our general direction. We got plate numbers and the sheriff came over. Don't know what happened then, but at 1:10 today there are AGAIN shots in my neighbors' yard, screaming, dead deer, dead ducks, all of this excitement, and this time the sheriff and troopers both arrive and talk to everybody. No sign of the shooters, but the troopers were using the plates to go visit the accused.
This is a VILLAGE, a neighborhood full of HOUSES, people and kids. Yes, there is a creek back there, but it is posted, and there are thousands of acres elsewhere that is legal to hunt in, and NOWHERE in this village is hunting allowed, but shoot, what are they doing in our yards?
I would suggest a small cell shared with a large inmate for these numskulls.
I understand your concern. There were a couple of times when I went riding in the fall where I was actually shot at (thank goodness the bullets missed). Perhaps hunters forget there is a mile limit between land where hunting is legal and municipalities, whatever their size. Good for you for getting the license plate numbers.
Dodos ... geez louise
OK---that's INSANE!!!!!!!
For the love of all things holy, I hope that ends soon.
OK---that's INSANE!!!!!!!
For the love of all things holy, I hope that ends soon.
Holy Cr@p! Thank goodness no persons or doggies were SHOT! I think the swing set was a give-away that it was a residential area! Good on ya' for getting the plate number! You need to send an e-mail off to your local paper for a story and push for some public pressure -because unfortunately the fine for discharging a firearm in city limits may only amount to a slap on the wrist...
wow. what idiots. I do hope they pay the price for being idiots and possibly...hopefully learn a lesson. idiots.
This is just NUTS! What in god's name are these people thinking?
Freaking gun nuts.
That is so scary...
I can understand being a hunter and loving it, but hunting inside the city limits or in a neighborhood? Efing morons!
Very very scary, hope they catch the idiots soon!
Geez.. that's just crazy scary. Please stay safe.. you and yours.
So sorry you have such a dangerous Idiot for a neighbor :(
That is just CRAZY!
gawd, you were safer in your old neighborhood with kevn.
this is the first bad thing i heard about moving to ithaca... i guess these horse's asses are everywhere
Am I the only one to think "Cool pic"?
I think that truck is one of Coca-Cola's santa trucks.....
No, I know, to you guys that's just a cop car and another truck, yawn, move along.
To me, of course, that pic is full of alien entities. Our trucks don't look like that, our cop cars are not like that, and I've never seen a garage or house that colour in England.
The grass is the same, and the trees look much like our trees.
And people don't go shooting around where I live.
Um. Except, actually they do. We have some nasty stuff with drug dealers and gangs fairly nearby.
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