So at the beer store , which has about 800 different beers, there's a special issue from Brooklyn Brewery. I love Brooklyn Brewery. If you are a local booster, and I am, this is not only a NY beer, but they seem to do most of their brewing not down in the big bad city, but UP HERE in the wilds.
Brooklyn Chocolate Stout, WITH CHILI and a fat cat???????????? What's better than an A+? If you like Guinness, and I do, but you have found some stouts are like eating a bag of Kingsford charcoal briquets, this baby is for you. Sweet and smooth, and double the usual alcohol volume! ONE BOTTLE IS WORTH TWO!!!!!!
My chili? Vegan. Bubbling away in the crockpot all day (yes, Cheri and Rat, I crock pot too), never the same way twice. Today with red peppers, carrots, fake meat, real tomatoes and onions and garlic and black beans and a boatload of hot stuff. Wicked tasty. Bowl by me too.
James, 'Sit Down'.When me and the missus were getting together this thing rocked my day. I love James, quirky and upbeat and sounding GOOD.