Not having a TV myself, I was at the mechanic the other day and they had the TV tuned to that funny show Tim Allen did in the 90s, and the kids were very small, so it may have been season one.
Pammy was on there, I think it was her first big acting job, before Baywatch. She seemed a lot more, um, genuine? Innocent? (ooooph, Tommy Lee??? Kid Rock???? Ewww!)
Here's a Pam joke then take a look at my fab bunny cups below that.
(oh lord, I just realized "bunny cups"!!!!!!)
Pamela Anderson buys a box of laundry detergent, and it says on the box, “20 uses”. A day later, she calls the laundry detergent company and says” I bought your product and the box says ‘20 uses’, but all it does is my laundry!
cups by Gary Rith
That had to be the most clever segue into your product photo I've ever seen. They're very cute cups.. yours, that is. :)
yes, cute is the word. people won't be able to resist them.
and you think my snakes are scary!
Pammy scares the h*&& out of me!
I do like your"cups" better/
They are more real...
Oh, those bunny cups are cute with a capital C.
Some cups are much nicer than others, love the bunny saucers.
Too funny, ok so could it be TWIN cups? or a pair of Cups? either way I am seeing DOUBLE! Cute!
FUNNY. Love the bunny cups. :)
That is funny. I always thought she would be even prettier without the big lips and all that makeup. But what do I know? I am a girl : ) I am sure boys prefer the big lips and other big things on her : )
CuuuuUUUUUTE bunny 'cups' :-)
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