(pottery by Gary Rith and Norah.....)
OK, so you're thinking "Gary has NOT been around today, what gives???"
and its sorta like
"well, the Cornell studios opened for the fall today, so I was over there gossiping FACE TO FACE instead of here gossiping with YOU in cyberspace". Plus making pots of course. My first class with students is a week from Thursday, but you know, I've missed my pals, and so I was over there making stuff and older Tom was there and Andy too and we were shooting the breeze, and NORAH showed up (pictured!) and she is like
"yeah! I can blog this too!" or some such nonsense....
Basically, when you teach and work at the Cornell Universty Ceramics Studio, or Pot Shop, it really IS all fun and games....
AND here is a funny story--
this republican country club type comes in with his golf sweater on (I swear I am not making this up) and he sez his kid is a high school senior and wants to come to Cornell ONLY if there is pottey and I explain SURE there is, but no CREDIT. And DAD is like "huh!". And I explain people come in to have fun, and a lot of smart people come in, engineers, doctors, veterinarians, mathematicians and muscians, making pots, and he is like:
"MY SON IS OFF THE CHARTS in math and science and he will be studying THAT but he has WON AWARDS for his ceramics, do you think that will help him get in???" as if I f##king can tell him.....but I am thinking "man, are you RUDE off the charts, and frankly, MY BUNNIES are OFF THE DAMN CHARTS, MY MAN" but I politely wish him a happy day......